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Rabu, 16 Desember 2015

Install Intellij Idea in ubuntu 14.04

00.35 Posted by ROSYID'S BLOG , No comments
This tutorial shows you to install latest version of Intellij idea in Ubuntu 14.04.
The community version of Intellij Idea is available in Software Center of Ubuntu. You can search it and install.
But if you want to install a community version of Intellij Idea then download the current version of Intellij Idea from here.
Before installing Intellij Idea you should install JDK. If you have not installed JDK, click here.
After you download the Intellij open the terminal and enter the following commands.
In my case I have intellij 13.1.1

cd Downloads
tar xzvf ideaIU-13.1.1.tar.gz 
mv idea-IU-135.480/ idea
This commands extratcs the intellij downloaded file and renames it to idea.
Now you can enter the command to start intellij idea
cd Downloads/idea/bin
You need to create a custom launcher. To create custom launcher create a .desktop file by following command
gedit idea
Copy the following code and save the file as idea.desktop(provide your own path in my case its /home/user/Downloads/idea/bin).
[Desktop Entry]
Name=IntelliJ IDEA
Comment=IntelliJ IDEA IDE
To access through user dash moove the file to /usr/share/application by following command
mv idea.desktop /usr/share/application gives a good explanation about .desktop files and what all these entries mean and other entries available for .desktop files.

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